


The exhibition is the first presentation of the new platform DesignForFuture.org.DesignForFuture offers diverse information about international sustainable design projects and existing networks. More the network will stimulate an exchange of ideas; interact with interested designers, partners and companies.DesignForfuture is a base for the relation between design projects that contemplate environmental and social impact in all stages of their development.DesignForfuture wants to contribute, with intellectual intervention, to a greater understanding of the concept of eco-efficiency by showing examples of harmony between project developments, efficiency of resources and respect for nature.DFF wants to be part of a critical discussion in design, developing sustainable planning towards a positive evolution of environmental economy.

EXHIBITION DesignForFuture - olhÃo jul-Ago 2006

in http://www.designforfuture.org/dff_EN/indexEN.htm


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