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CVITÆ and ARTISTIC CURRICULUM VITÆ PERSONAL DATA (Isabel Maria Pereira Dos Santos) Date of birth . June 1967
Entered Curso Superior de Tecnologias Artísticas (Higher Education Course in Artistic Technologies) at Associação Recreativa de Coimbra Artística / Escola de Tecnologias Artísticas de Coimbra, (A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C.), having obtained 77 (seventy seven points)/100, in the general entrance examination. Was awarded a Bachelor’s degree for completing the 3-year Higher Education Course in Artistic Technologies, having obtained the final classification of 15 (fifteen)/20. Was awarded an upper-level undegraduate degree in Painting by A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C., having obtained a final average of 17 (seventeen)/20. Upper level undergraduate degree in Painting – as described in the Portuguese Decree 1133/92 of December 10. According to Diário da República (the Portuguese Republic’s Official Journal)- I Series - B, of 6/1/1995, possesses qualifications for teaching the 2nd and the 3rd Cycles (intermediate school: Years 5 – 9) as well as in Secondary Schools (Years 10 – 12). 1983 Became a member of the cultural association Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra, (CAPC), an autonomous organization which belongs to Associação Académica da Universidade de Coimbra (University of Coimbra Students’ Association), where she painted under the supervision of Painter Túlia Saldanha. 1986/89 Integrated the Mixed Choir of the University of Coimbra, as Soprano, having taken part in several tours at home and abroad. Worked as Painter/Designer at the advertising company – Belarte. 1990 Took part in the conference “Neo-Realismo em debate” (Neo-Realism in debate). 1991 a 95 Organized several Meetings/Gatherings/Performances at A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C. as a Painting student. Was a founding member of the Students’ Association at A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C.. Was President of the Pro-Students’ Association of A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C., according to Diário da República, III Series of 23/09/1994. 1995/96 Took part, as adherent teacher, in PROSEPE - a Project to Raise Awareness of the School Population “Escola Sensibilizada é Floresta Protegida” (Awareness at School Protects the Forest), which took place during the school year 1995/96 and was organized by NICIF - Instituto de Estudos Geográficos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (Department of Geographical Studies of the University of Coimbra), where she obtained the Prémio Autocolante (Sticker Prize). Was represented by two pieces of work at the VIII International Art Biennial of Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal). Was an invited artist at the IX Collective Exhibition of Plastic Arts of Miranda do Corvo (Portugal). Developed the workshop - “Desenhar e Pintar ao Ar Livre” (Drawing and Painting in the Open Space), for children of Instituto Educativo de Lordemão (Educational Institute of Lordemão) – Coimbra and open to other children of the surrounding community. Was Teacher and Head of the Groups of Visual Education and Technological Education Teachers at Instituto Educativo de Lordemão. 1996/97 Was represented by two pieces of work at the “II Encontro Nacional de Jovens nas Artes” (II National Meeting of Youth in Arts). Was represented in the private collection of ANJE (Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários – a national business association). Was represented in the Contest “Jovens Criadores 96” (Young Creators 96), organized by Clube de Artes e Ideias (Club of Arts and Ideas), with the support of Ministério da Cultura Português (Portuguese Ministry of Culture) and Secretaria de Estado da Juventude (Youth State Secretary). Was an invited artist by Goethe Institut - Lisbon. Was Teacher of the subject Visual Education and Representative of the 5th Teaching Group (Visual Arts) at school Escola de Ceira – Coimbra. 1997/98 Was represented by pieces of work at the IX International Art Biennial of Vila Nova de Cerveira. EXPO’98 – Represented the secondary school Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero with a “mobile” sculpture of her own. Was represented in the exhibition “Prémio de Pintura Almada Negreiros” (Painting Prize Almada Negreiros). Was represented in the Private Collection of Fundación Cultural Mapfre Vida (Spain). Was an invited artist by Fundação da Juventude do Porto (a foundation for the promotion of youth, in Oporto) to exhibit in this very institution. Attended the Training Session on Commercial Marks of Materials used for Plastic Expression, Canson, Rotring, Carand’Ache and Grumbacher, where she qualified to convey that knowledge, both pedagogically and didactically. Was Teacher of the 5th Group, code 17 (Visual Arts) in the subjects of Materials and Techniques of Plastic Expression, Engraving and Serigraphy, History of Art and Arts Workshops from the 10th to the 12th grade at secondary school Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero – Coimbra. 1998/99 Was Trainee Assistant, teaching the subjects Drawing I and Drawing II from the Upper Level Undergraduate Degree Programmes in Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Equipment Design and Graphic Design at Associação Recreativa de Coimbra Artística / Escola de Tecnologias Artísticas de Coimbra (A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C.), under the system of accumulation granted by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. Developed and gave training at the Training Session/workshop “Produção Artesanal de Papel” (Paper handicraft Production) aimed at the students in the Upper Level Undergraduate Degree Programmes in Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Equipment Design and Graphic Design at Associação Recreativa de Coimbra Artística / Escola de Tecnologias Artísticas de Coimbra, (A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C.). Took part with the Research Team in the fields of Plastic Expression, Electronics and Physics of the University of Aveiro, (Isabel Azevedo, Paulo André and Pedro Pombo, respectively) in the contest “Prémio Francisco de Holanda” (Francisco de Holanda Prize) - Expo’98 – with a work entitled “Ecografias Urbanas/Estruturas Mentais” (Urban Echographies/Mental Structures). Was Teacher of the 5th Group (Visual Arts) – Escola Dr. Joaquim de Carvalho – Figueira da Foz (Portugal). Was research trainee at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro (Physics Department of the University of Aveiro) under the supervision of Professor João Lemos Pinto. Summary of the plan of studies of the post-graduate degree programme: “A integração da óptica e luz laser na Expressão Plástica” (The integration of optics and laser light in Plastic Expression) The integration of optics and laser light in Plastic Expression benefiting from the coherent properties of laser light. Lab tests intended to profit from laser energy, study of light and colour, controlled description of figures and shapes. Exploiting the relationship between shape and background. The study of effects resulting from the integration of optics and laser light and of registry techniques (photography, photoserigraphy and holography) in various supports. Image projection and creation of multiple plans. Exploitation and application of registry techniques – Photography and Holography. Transmission and reflection holograms. 1999/2000 Was trainee assistant in the subject of Drawing I in the upper level undergraduate degree programmes of Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Ceramics, Equipment Design and Graphic Design at Associação Recreativa de Coimbra Artística / Escola de Tecnologias Artísticas de Coimbra (A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C.), under the system of accumulation granted by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. Concluded her Post-graduate studies, did a Research Practice Placement at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro under the supervision of Professor João Lemos Pinto. Was Teacher of the 5th Group (Visual Arts) – Escola Infante D. Pedro – Buarcos – Figueira da Foz. Organized the V Semana “VERARTES” (V Week TOSEEARTS) at Escola Infante D. Pedro – Buarcos – Figueira da Foz. Continued her Research Studies and collaboration in other projects at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro. Was an invited artist in the III Art Biennial of Fundação Cupertino de Miranda (Oporto), where she participated with individual and team work (two sound installations), developed at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro. Collaboration and participation in the Multimedia Exhibition “Estruturas de Informação” (Information Structures) jointly with research members of the Departament of Physics and of the Departament of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro and of the City Council in “Aveiro Digital”, (initiative of the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology) – Auditório do Centro de Congressos de Aveiro at invitation of the UNAVE Group and of the City Council. Collaborated and participated in the exhibition “Ciência e Arte – Novas Dimensões” (Science and Art – New Dimensions) – at Estúdio Audiovisual – Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro (Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro). 2000/01 Was integrated as a teacher in the pedagogical zone of Coimbra from September 1, 2001 onwards. Was Teacher of the subjects Materials and Techniques of Plastic Expression, Serigraphy and Painting of the 11th and the 12th grades and the person responsible for the facilities of the 5th Group, code 17 (Visual Arts) at secondary school Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero – Coimbra. Collaborated in Research Studies at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro. Did a Practice Placement within the scope of the European Programme Leonardo De Vinci in Lyon – France, at Higher Education School Léonard de Vinci - Section Arts Appliqués et Design – Boulevard de Villefontaine, working in the fields of Maquette Building, Industrial Design, Audiovisuals and new IT techniques. Developed the Plan of Studies for students in Practice Placement within the European Programme Leonardo De Vinci in Lyon – France, at Higher Education School Léonard de Vinci - Section Arts Appliqués et Design – Boulevard de Villefontaine, Lyon and Paris. Participated in the IT practice placement – Drawing and Geometry - “Logiciel 3D SOLIDWORKS” in pc at Higher Education School Léonard de Vinci in Boulevard de Villefontaine – Lyon – France. Participated “au tournage d’un film pour les BTS audiovisuel“ – Givors – France. Accompanying Teacher of students in Practice Placement within the European Programme Leonardo De Vinci in Lyon – France, at the Higher Education School Léonard de Vinci – Boulevard de Villefontaine. Participated and collaborated in the Exhibition “Projectos Europeus” (European Projects) – Leonardo, Sócrates and Clube Europeu, at the secondary school Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero. 2001/02 Was Teacher of the 5th Group (Visual Arts) – Escola Dr. Pedro Bessa – Carapinheira - Coimbra. Participated in the Training Session entitled “Cabri-Géometre II” organized by Núcleo de Estágio de Matemática (Maths trainee group) at Escola Dr. Pedro Bessa. As responsible teacher at Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero, collaborated in the competition project “Holografia em Rede de Escolas” (Holography in School Network) coordinated by Professor João Lemos Pinto of Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro, within the Project “Ciência Viva” (Science Alive), initiative of the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology. Attended the practical course on holography and lasers for teachers engaged in the project “Holografia em Rede de Escolas” (Holography in School Network) – Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro. Initiated her Teacher Professionalization Process at the same time as she maintained her teaching activity –under proposal of the Portuguese Ministry of Education. Collaborated in research in the fields of Holography and Sound at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro under the supervision of Professor João Lemos Pinto. 2002/03 Concluded her Teacher Professionalization Process with the Professional mark of 15,5/20 as stated in Diário da República – II Series of January, 29 2003, becoming teacher in permanent post, of the 5th Group, Code 17 (Visual Arts) at Escola Básica 2, 3 de Gouveia - Portugal. Attended the Training Session entitled “A música e as Novas Tecnologias” (Music and new Technologies) organized by teachers Jorge Noutel and Vítor Casanova. Attended the Continuous Training Session amounting to 1,0 credits entitled “Elaboração de Apresentações Gráficas Em Contexto Educativo” (Elaboration of Graphical Presentations in Educational Context). Organized the fashion show “Reutilizar Criando” (Reusing by creating) with the collaboration of the school Escola Básica 2, 3 de Gouveia and Câmara Municipal de Gouveia (City Council of Gouveia) - Portugal. 2003/04 Remains teacher in permanent post, of the 5th Group, Code 17 (Visual Arts) at Escola Básica 2, 3 de Gouveia, but developing her activity at Escola Secundária de Pombal in mobilization regime for a year, teaching the subjects Visual Education, Drawing and Descriptive Geometry to the 10th and 12th grades, as well as Materials and Techniques of Plastic Expression to the 11th and 12th grades. Successfully attended the Continuous Training Session amounting to 0,6 credits entitled “Ferramentas de Comunicação da Internet no Ensino/Aprendizagem” (Internet Communication Tools in Teaching/Learning) (module I). Successfully attended the Continuous Training Session amounting to 0,6 credits entitled “Selecção e Recolha de Recursos Pedagógicos na Internet”, (Selection and collection of Pedagogical Resources in the Internet) (module II). Is represented in private collections at home and abroad. Has been collaborating in several individual and collective exhibitions with pieces of work in the fields of Engraving, Serigraphy and Photoserigraphy, Sculpture, Painting, Audiovisual and Sound lnstallations. 2004/07 Currently she is teacher (Painting, Theatre and Visual Education) in permanent post of the 5th Group, Code 17 (Visual Arts) . Devotes herself to activities related to Art and Design. INDIVIDUAL/COLLECTIVE EXHIBITIONS 1991 - 1ª Mostra de Pintores de Coimbra – Universidade de Coimbra - Coimbra - Portugal 1992 - Galeria do Auditório do Hospital da Universidade de Coimbra - Coimbra - Portugal 1993 - Galeria Gan - Lisboa - Portugal 1993 - A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C. - Coimbra - Portugal 1994 - Actitudes - Casa da Cultura de Cantanhede - Cantanhede - Portugal 1994 - A.R.C.A./E.T.A.C. - Coimbra - Portugal 1994 - Galeria Almedina - Coimbra - Portugal 1995 - VIII Bienal de Arte Internacional de Vila Nova de Cerveira - Vila Nova de Cerveira - Portugal 1995 - Galeria Almedina - Coimbra - Portugal 1995 - Galerias Topázio - Coimbra - portugal 1995 - Sing-Sing-Bar - Coimbra - Portugal 1995 - Centro de Arte de S. João da Madeira - S. João da Madeira - Portugal 1996 - Faculdade de Antropologia da Universidade de Coimbra - Coimbra - Portugal 1996 - Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto - Porto - Portugal 1996 - Galeria Grade - Aveiro - Portugal 1996 - II Concurso de Jovens nas Artes - Europarque - Vila da Feira - Portugal 1996 - Galeria do Auditório Hospital da Universidade de Coimbra - Coimbra - Portugal 1996 - IX Exposição Colectiva de Artes Plásticas - Câmara Municipal de Miranda do Corvo - Portugal 1996 - I Bienal de Artes Plásticas - Marinha Grande - Portugal 1996 - Centro Cultural D. Dinis - Coimbra - Portugal 1996 – “Estar Arte” - Convento do Beato - Lisboa - Portugal 1996 – Homage to Francisco Wandschneider - Casa do Farol - Porto - Portugal 1996 - Bienal “Jovens Criadores” 96 - Lisboa - Portugal 1996 – “Isto não é arte, isto é uma história de amor” - Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente - Coimbra - Portugal 1997 - Galeria Oriana - Coimbra - Portugal 1997 - IX Bienal Internacional de Arte de Vila Nova de Cerveira - Vila Nova de Cerveira - Portugal 1998 - “Estruturas da Informação” – Aveiro Digital – Centro de Congressos de Aveiro. 1999 - III Bienal de Arte da Fundação Cupertino de Miranda – Vila Real - Portugal 1999 - “Ciência e Arte – Novas Dimensões” – Estúdio Audio-Visual – Departamento de Comunicação e Arte - Universidade de Aveiro - Aveiro - Portugal 2000 - “Projectos Europeus” – Leonardo, Sócrates e Clube Europeu - Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero – Coimbra - Portugal 2001 – Works in the field of audiovisuals and multimédia in exhibition at Departamento de Física da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal 2004 – Collective , within Jornadas Teatrais. Inatel – Coimbra - Portugal 2004 – “Impressões do Imaginário I” – De Pedra e Cal – Bar – Cantanhede - Portugal 2004 – “Impressões do Imaginário II” – loja/galeria - Coimbra - Portugal 2005 . International Symposium On Solubility Phenomena, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal PUBLICATIONS/published works: Didactic book for the 12th grade “TEORIA DO DESIGN” by Carlos Sousa Rocha - Plátano Editora, pages 321, 322, 323. Publication of the VIII International Art Biennial of Cerveira. – Projecto Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Cultural (a cultural development project), 1995. Publication of the IV International Art Biennial of Cerveira. – Projecto Núcleo de Desenvolvimento Cultural, 1997. Publication of the Biennial “Jovens Criadores 96” – Lisbon, 1996. Book “1001” Images of the IX International Art Biennial of Vila Nova de Cerveira. RELEVANT FUTURE PROJECTS Currently she is elaborating the Plan of Studies for her application to the PhD degree in Studies of Art.
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